One of the first lessons we learn as kids is how to count numbers. learning numbers is a basic skill to master in the earliest years of education. When teaching numbers, many methods can help kids feel confident in counting independently. It’s not only important to establish the ability to count

Building an understanding of the numbers will help kids develop math  skills in the future. Children are exposed to numbers at the very beginning of their lives, whether that be with pattern recognition or the ability to discern quantity amount . 
That being said, children can begin learning their numbers as early as preschool. Since math is all around us every day. Use flashcards to introduce numbers one through ten
 Flashcards should have both the numeral and the word for each number

spelling process

Visual memory is related to the ability to spell, which means the ability to visualize or imagine or the ability to imagine the sequence of letters in a word. Children who have severe difficulties in spelling and reading face difficulties in remembering the shape of the word and by using repeated exercises these children can improve their remembering of words.* As for children who suffer from severe difficulties in spelling, we can clearly use the following treatment procedures
Write a little-known word for the little teacher on the board or on a sheet of paper, then ask him to say this word clearly
Ask the young learner to look at the word and call it
Ask him to try to draw the word in the air using his finger or pen while he is looking at it
Ask the young learner to name each letter of this word so that it can visualize the word more accurately and clearly

 When the young learner has learned to spell the first word, write the word in the child's progress book. This book is a record for the child as well as a program for review, and it can also be used to record the number of words the child has learned each day
 Use the words the child has learned in sentences and schoolwork, and expres 
himself and his friends and the environment around him
Spelling worksheets are very useful resource for 1st graders to learn new vocabulary, I designed unscramble worksheets with little cute pictures to help .  them spell and write the correct spelling
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How to learn new vocabulary?!!


Ways to improve your Vocabulary

There are seven easy ways to improve your vocabulary and learn new words
.Read, read, and read. The more you read -- especially novels and literary works, but also magazines and newspapers -- the more words you'll be exposed to. As you read and uncover new words, use a combination of attempting to derive meaning from the context of the sentence as well as from looking up the definition in a dictionary

   Words Needed For Vocabulary Knowledge

Students must learn 3,000 words per year by 3rd grade.Only 400 words a year are directly taught by teachers to hearing students
Children with learning difficulties learn an average of 45-50 words per year making the gap large. This number may be even less for students who are deaf or hard of hearing since they may need word lists reduced in order to memorize spelling patterns
. Vocabulary Development By Age

Students’ communication abilities, including their vocabulary, can vary immensely. However, there are certain milestones we can expect children to reach before starting formal schooling
This early language acquisition is an essential platform for future learning. There is a huge body of evidence suggesting that deficient early vocabulary development is a strong marker for a continued difficulty in all aspects of schooling

During the school years, vocabulary size must grow at a rapid pace in order to equip students for everyday, as well as academic, communication. By the age of  17, students are expected to know between 36 000 to 136 000 words

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