? What is writing skill
Writing is an activity with many moving parts. It is, however, a difficult skill to learn and master. A child must bring together vocabulary, grammar and mental processing, and then rely on physical aspect of handwriting or typing out the words.kids can start learning how to type at the age of 6 or 7, when their hands fit comfortably on a keyboard. Taking a touch-typing course is a must for the child who is learning to write on a computer. That’s because the process of translating ideas into words and sentences is much smoother without the disruption of visually searching for letters
?How important are writing skills for kids
At school writing is an integral part of a child’s education. Throughout their school years, children need to do assignments, write essays, comprehend and answer questions and in general demonstrate their understanding of a topic on a paper
How well they do at school is unfortunately (or fortunately) usually dependent on how detailed and sophisticated their writing is.In addition, children will need to learn how to express their thoughts and feelings clearly via the written words
Ways to help kids develop their writing skills
Help them get started. A blank page can be intimidating, even for the seasoned author. Children may do fine once they get started but you often need to help them get the first few words or sentences down. Ask them a thought provoking question, make a list or mind-map of ideas that relate to the topic they are writing about or work with them to organize an outline they can turn into a draft. Taking away the stigma of writing the perfect sentence is also key. Once they have some text to work with, it can always be re-shaped and revised. The trick is to encourage free writing from the start, in order to record whatever thoughts come to mind .They can always worry about revisions later
Encourage readin.
Good writers tend to be avid readers and there is a reason for this. The more a child reads, the more they will be exposed to new vocabulary in context and the more words they will learn. Once a word is part of their receptive vocabulary, it is a lot easier for it to make the transition into productive use (to the delight of parents and teachers who want children to “flex their vocabulary muscles” in writing). Reading also exposes kids to different ways of using words and a variety of sentence structures that they can use in their own writing
Allow the use of spell and grammar checks
It’s easy to dismiss technology-use as being lazy, but spelling and grammar feedback can actually be extremely helpful for a child who is learning how to write or trying to improve. This is because sometimes there are multiple suggested corrections that force a child not only to notice the awkward phrasing or misspelled word, but to spend some extra cognitive energy thinking about how to correct it. Computers also provide an opportunity to correct errors without the embarrassment or stigma of multiple eraser marks on a hand-written copy.
Ask parents to help outside of school
Kids learn to write through example. Completing an initial draft alone is sometimes important, particularly if the task requires sharing personal thoughts and experiences, but it also helps to have someone else there to review it. Parents can make a huge difference in how their children’s writing skills improve by agreeing to read early drafts. Use the child’s words to suggest optimized phrasing and/or help them pinpoint what they are trying to say through conversation. This makes it easier for the ideas to be written down.
Teach working in drafts
Brainstorming, putting ideas down on paper, ensuring the language and thoughts flow and revising for typos and errors are all different steps in the process of writing. Children need to understand that a perfect sentence doesn’t just come out of nowhere, it develops through a back and forth process as the writer writes, reviews and revises his or her text. This is one reason it’s helpful for kids to write on a computer as it saves erasing and allows children to make multiple attempts at getting their thoughts down, until they find the phrasing they want. Word processors also make it more efficient to reorganize longer pieces of writing, to help information flow better
These writing prompts are designed for 1st graders, my students enjoyed writing about food, pets, sports and friends
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