
There is more than one way to say a lot of things and that is where the synonym comes in. Often times, when listening to the English language, you will notice that someone may refer to something using a different word or phrase. This is called using a synonym. A good example of this would be the word beautiful, which can also be expressed by saying the words stunning, pretty, eye-catching or a whole host of other words

A synonym is a word of phrase which means exactly the same as another word or phrase. One resource which is often used to come up with synonyms is a thesaurus. However, it is a really good idea to commit as many synonyms as you can to memory

The reason for learning synonyms is so that you have a broader vocabulary and can avoid repeating the same word over and over again during any one conversation. Not only this, but being able to use synonyms will aid you in sounding more like a natural speaker

Learning a word's meaning is just one part of understanding that word. Once you know a word's antonyms, synonyms and homonyms, you can add a lot of variety to speech and writing

Synonyms Examples

Fast Synonyms: Quick, Speedy, Rapid, Blistering, Nimble, Swift
Strange Synonyms: Odd, Weird, Surreal, Queer, Astonishing, Curious
Amazing Synonyms: Adorable, Spectacular, Fantastic, Irresistible, Splendid, Alluring, Dazzling, Fascinating, Lovely
Bad Synonyms: Awful, Atrocious, Disagreeable, Grievous, Infamous, Odious, Sordid, Rotten, Awful
Great Synonyms: Admirable, Amazing, Arresting, Astonishing, Awesome, Beautiful, Breathtaking, Brilliant


Synonyms worksheets